Team Season 2012

As our team season comes to a close, we would like to thank all those who came to Thailand and served alongside of us. We had some incredible teams this year! Many came to labor with the desire to meet the physical needs of the ministry, such as constructing a fence around our fish farm, building an addition onto our boys’ home, and fixing our sand volleyball court. Other teams focused on meeting the spiritual needs of those within Life Impact as well as in villages in the surrounding area. We hosted evangelistic outreaches to unreached villages, provided medical treatment, and distributed hygiene bags. Regardless of the roles each team played, everything they were a part of was done with excellence and lots of love. We are beyond honored and blessed to have shared our ministry with each person that visited. We pray that God blesses them greatly for the time, finances, and energy they invested in the Kingdom of God. We wait in great expectation for what God will do in theĀ  2013 team season!