Our team is united by the unwavering belief that if we can change one life, we will change the world.

We will do whatever it takes to save exploited and at-risk children.
Our strategy is simple: Prevent, Rescue, and Heal.
We fight to “Prevent” the atrocities of exploitation in all its forms from trafficking, abuse, and abandonment, to slavery and prostitution. We fight to “Rescue” as many children as possible. And we fight to bring “Healing” and restoration to broken hearts, bodies, and minds.

We will do whatever it takes to reach and rescue people no one is reaching.
Our purpose is clear: Rescued to Rescue.
We will do anything short of sin to reach the countless people throughout the world who don’t know Jesus. We know that as individuals, both our team and our children, we were all rescued by the unrelenting love of Jesus Christ. His love changed everything and because of that, we have no other choice but to lead others to the one who rescued us.