This is the story of two little boys that we were able to rescue from a life of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. They are just one of many rescue stories.
Our prevention efforts brought us in contact with these little boys and their mother when they were first living with their stepfather. The stepfather left and soon the mother wasn’t answering the door when we called to see how they were doing. Eventually, we found them in the local church, the mother told us she didn’t want the boys anymore because she wanted to go join her husband who didn’t want the boys.
When they came to us, the little boys were both dehydrated and malnourished. One of them had an open wound on his head and his white and red blood cell counts were low. He had to be hospitalized for a few days but they are both doing well now.
We are so thankful we were there to take these boys before they could be trafficked. Abandoned children are highly vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation. We are so thankful that they will never be abandoned by their Father in Heaven, who loved them and rescued them – just in time.
Please continue to pray with us for the total healing of these two little ones both physically and emotionally. We believe God has a great plan for their lives.