Prayer Requests

 Prayer is a great way to get involved in the fight against human trafficking. Prayer has the power to change nations, to break down strongholds, and is the foundation of everything we do at Life Impact. We believe there is power in prayer, and prayer is something we can all take part in!



Please pray for the following:

  • Please pray for the end of child exploitation in Brazil. It’s an epidemic and needs more awareness and action to fight for and change the statistics.
  • Pray for God solutions and practical ways to win the fight against child exploitation!

Please pray for the following:

  • As the war still wages on in Burma, please pray for relief and help to come to the nation, from the city to the villages and all the displaced people hiding in the jungles under trees.
  • Please pray for support, a solution, and an end to the brutal war!

Please pray for the following:

  • Child and human trafficking have increased on the Thai/Burma border due to the war. Please pray for it to stop!
  • Our team and other organizations in this fight must be at the right place and time.