No child should be abused!
No child should have to live in prison because of the mistakes of their parents!
But for these two children in Thailand, this was their undeserved reality.

Maung and Maiah were recently rescued at the same time and brought to Life Impact. Now they get to experience an enjoyable and peaceful childhood. They have the freedom to run and play, share a laugh with friends, and feel true love from their house parents and our staff. They no longer have to live in fear of being abused emotionally or physically. They have food to fill and nourish their growing bodies. Maiah gets to attend school and receive an education, which she wasn’t able to do before.

Most importantly, these beloved children get to know their true Rescuer, Jesus! They get to learn about the Bible and their Creator, as well as spend precious time in the presence of the Lord during Life Impact community praise and worship.