*Names changed for their protection.
On August 29, 2013, God smiled warmly as He lifted a baby out from a lonely, dark place, and put him in a loving place full of His light.
Nathaniel is one of the newest and youngest members of the Life Impact family. He has been given a brand new family and a brand new future.
Nathaniel’s mother passed away soon after she delivered him. He was cared for by the hospital staff until Life Impact was contacted. A Life Impact couple who has taken in three rescued children already prayed and knew that God was directing them to take in Noah as their own. He now has brothers and sisters who love him, wise parents, and will be raised to know the love of the Savior.
God breathed life into Nathaniel so that He could know and enjoy him and enjoy him all the days of his life. God sees him now as he is held by his new mom, and He smiles.
Through your prayers, support, and faith, you brought a smile to God’s face by helping change Nathaniel’s life forever for the glory of Jesus.