Rescued Sisters
These two precious girls are some of the bravest young survivors we have ever met!
Since being born to an alcoholic mother and father, Wan* (13) and Su* (11) have lived through abuse for as long as their young minds can remember. The girls’ parents would violently fight and hit each other until one day, their mother couldn’t take it anymore. Their mother ran away, abandoning her two daughters and falling into the arms of another alcoholic man, leaving the two scared little girls in the hands of their abusive father.
One cold night, their father was in a rage and beat Wan and Su so severely that they decided to make a run for their lives in the middle of the night. It was scary and dark, and they ran far away from home. These little survivors had run 20 kilos (approximately 12.5 miles) to the closest hospital. The hospital sheltered these brave young girls overnight and called us the following morning. We picked them up and brought them to safety forever!
*The children pictured are the survivors of exploitation, abuse, and/or child trafficking. With that, their names have been changed and their eyes have been covered in order to protect them.
The miraculous part of this story is that the region and area they were located in was on the Thai-Burma border, where little girls like this almost always end up in a very vulnerable situation. Nine times out of ten, children in this circumstance are involved in trafficking and are sold into all different forms of slavery. They are often exploited by an adult in their lives, such as a stepfather, a neighbor promising safety, a stranger noticing their vulnerability, or even one of their very own parents!
It is a miracle that these girls got to safety!
Because of your support, these girls are able to be the exception and not the rule!
Because of your support we were able to STOP them from becoming a statistic!
Because of your support these warrior princesses will get the healing, restoration, love, and future that they so deserve!
Most importantly, because of your support, they will come to know their true Rescuer, Jesus Christ!
Wan and Su are now getting to enjoy the childhood they never had. They recently went on their first outing to a waterfall, and said, “This is the first time in our lives to ever have the opportunity to see water this big before!” They get to go swimming, color and wear beautiful dresses. Now their lives are full of what their childhood should have been all along – just getting to be little girls.
Thank you for all that you do that enables us to do what we do in Thailand, Burma, and Brazil. Together we are rescuing little lives and bringing them to know their true Rescuer-Jesus.
Lana and your Life Impact International Team