The Gospel Center
This year, we are reaching into one of the darkest areas on our border. In the middle of the border, neither Thailand or Myanmar has proper jurisdiction. There is no protection or law enforcement from either side. This area houses most of the drugs, middlemen for trafficking, and sold children. We have met with local […]
Children’s Outreaches
Every time that a child is rescued and joins the Life Impact family, we rejoice that he or she is safe from harm and will be raised in a community bound together by the love of Christ. We can also praise God that His Kingdom is growing by more than just one! Not only is […]

Dance Lessons
Betsy served with Life Impact International as an intern for one month. She blessed the ministry in many ways, including teaching our children dance and drama. One of the ways I had an opportunity to be involved with Life Impact was teaching dance lessons. I taught the girls ages 7 to 15 beginning ballet […]
Team Season 2012
As our team season comes to a close, we would like to thank all those who came to Thailand and served alongside of us. We had some incredible teams this year! Many came to labor with the desire to meet the physical needs of the ministry, such as constructing a fence around our fish farm, […]
Land Progress
Over the last year and a half, we have been prepping our land in order to build family-style homes for the children. We have our own water source that we filter and pump to all the buildings. Soon, we will have enough electricity to power everything up. We have built a multipurpose building that has […]