As 2020 began, it was easy to “place” the year and everything that came with it, into God’s hands.
It’s easy to trust God when things look positive and you are hopeful but what about when times are tough and you don’t know what’s in store? It is in our darkest hour when fear surrounds us, that we should entrust everything to our loving Father! God’s word promises in Romans 8:28 “that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” No matter what we face, God is in the background working for our good!
Many people are facing desperate situations right now; some have lost their jobs, others are afraid for their health and the health of their loved ones, and so many people are worried about what the future holds. We just want to encourage you during this time to not lose hope! Remember there is a God who loves you and cares about even the tiniest aspects of your life! 1 Peter 5:7 tells us that we can cast all of our anxieties on Him because He cares for us. He did not send COVID-19 to punish us. He wants to be here with us to see us through to the other side!
Today, you can choose to not just give 2020 to God but to give Him your whole life and to KEEP your life in His hands, knowing that He who promised to take care of us, is FAITHFUL!
And if you’re reading this and you don’t personally know God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, you can.
The very God who created the entire universe and everything in it, chose to create you and to love you but because of sin, we were separated from His love. Our sins demanded a price that we couldn’t pay. Money and good deeds can’t take sin from our hearts and lives. Only the sacrifice of the sinless, Son of God, Jesus Christ, can do that.
Jesus came for each of us. He came for the entire world. He died on a cross, bearing the death that we deserved… paying the price for our sins and making a way so that in receiving Him, we could receive forgiveness.
Three days after He died, the power of God came into the body of Jesus and He rose up from the dead! He was alive then and He is still alive today! In conquered death, Jesus purchased forgiveness for all who would choose to simply believe in Him and call upon His name, inviting Him to be Lord of their life.
Jesus did it all… because of His great love for us. He made away so that we could once again have a relationship with the very God who created us and one day spend eternity in Heaven.
This is the love He has for us, the very love He wants to give to you. If you believe what we’ve shared and you want to entrust your life to Jesus, all you have to do is ask Him to come into your life.
There is no perfect prayer to pray. No set words must be spoken. Simply call out to Jesus.
If you are unsure of what to say, you can pray this prayer:
Dear God,
I believe in Jesus and what He did for me. I believe He died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe He rose and is alive today. Jesus, I ask you, to come into my life. Forgive me of my sins. I chose today to give my life to you.
It sounds easy, and it is. Now, this doesn’t guarantee that you’ll never face another problem, but at least you won’t face them alone. Allow God to speak into your heart and life. Let Him carry you and comfort you during this time and know that you are not alone!
*If you prayed that prayer or something similar, we want to hear from you. Message us or send an email to info@lifeimpactintl.org and let us know about your decision. We want to rejoice with you! And if not us, tell someone what you have done and find a church you can get involved with, and a Bible that you can read. It will change your life!
Your Life Impact Family