This past month, a team of 13 from Rhema Bible Training College joined us in Thailand for ten days to serve alongside our national staff. They led outreaches at the Garbage Dump, went with our Prevention team to visit our supported families, and poured into our rescued kids and staff at the Promise Land.
A couple of the team members shared their most impactful moments from the trip, and we wanted you to hear from them too!

“I heard about Life Impact International in 2021 when I watched a podcast where Larissa Brown, Life Impact Thailand’s Children’s Home Director, was interviewed. It touched my heart so deeply, I could begin to see myself in Thailand one day. I found myself listening so intently and clung to every word Larissa spoke.
During the mission trip, we went to some villages and shared the love of God. The people we spent time with experienced joy, hope, and healing. We could see how hungry they were for hope.”
“But the greatest experience was in the Promise Land, where Life Impact calls home,- a peaceful, safe, and incredible place, filled with the goodness of God in every corner.”
“Getting to know Lana Vasquez, Larissa Brown, and all the gifted and talented team had me saying, WOW! Their work took my breath away! They are solid, well-oriented, consistent, passionate, and intentional in everything they do to prevent, rescue, and heal children from abuse.
When these children are rescued, they are loved and know it. They know their value; they know how much God loves them. So many of them are already anxious to share the love of God with others. What the leadership in Thailand is doing is so powerful. They are not just changing the present but building the future for these children. They are preparing them to be strong and shine the light of Christ.”
“My favorite moment was when, after being taught about the Holy Spirit, children from 8 to 10 years old were filled with the Holy Spirit…God was moving among them. It was so beautiful, special, and unforgettable! Praise the Lord!”
“Being part of this Short-Term Mission Trip to Thailand was a dream coming true in my life.”

“I heard about Life Impact International through a friend, who had seen the Promise Land firsthand. Since then I have wanted to go and see everything Life Impact does.”
“Out of all the signs, wonders and miracles I witnessed, seeing the kids at the Promise Land who have been rescued by Life Impact International was one of the most emotional, inspiring, and influential moments in my life.”
“Knowing what they came from and all they have been through, they continue to love one another. I truly believe the kids ministered to me more than I did to them.
I will never forget teaching the kids about their identity in Christ. We showed them just how unique God specifically designed them by using ink pads to reveal their fingerprints and explained to them that the same God who created the sun and the stars is the same God who calls them His greatest creation. To demonstrate the truths of what God says about us, we used post-it notes. A young man and young woman stood up as the rest of the kids wrote one truth about them, then ran up and put the post-it on them. Before we knew it, the kids were running around posting truths on everyone, including the staff!”