Tag: I AM

Rescued and Loved

No child should be abused! No child should have to live in prison because of the mistakes of their parents!  But for these two children in Thailand, this was their undeserved reality. Maung and Maiah were recently rescued at the same time and brought to Life Impact. Now they get to experience an enjoyable and [...]
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Rescued Sisters

Rescued Sisters These two precious girls are some of the bravest young survivors we have ever met!  Since being born to an alcoholic mother and father, Wan* (13) and Su* (11) have lived through abuse for as long as their young minds can remember. The girls’ parents would violently fight and hit each other until [...]
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Youth Group

In our homes, the children come together to worship then break up into groups according to their age to learn the Word of God. Since many of our children are becoming teenagers, we decided to start a youth group. They are so excited about it! It’s been so much fun teaching our youth and seeing […]

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