It was a Saturday unlike any other in a village along the Thailand/Burma border recently. Villagers in an area mostly unreached and unfamiliar with the gospel heard the good news, many for the first time.
Life Impact International partnered with a friend who has been doing small outreaches on Saturdays. He asked us to help him with a larger event to allow more villagers to hear the gospel.
It is a poor area mostly populated by migrant workers from Burma. We’re told some of the men make a living off selling drugs, and it’s not uncommon for women to gamble and play the lottery. The children spend their days at a Thai school and migrant learning centers but are mostly left on their own, many in danger of exploitation.

About 170 adults and children from the village came to our outreach. Even a few of the drug dealers came too.
Along with games and singing, our team used a special colorful bracelet to share the good news of Jesus, each color representing a part of the salvation story. When we asked how many wanted to receive Jesus as Savior, all of them raised their hands to pray. We also prayed for the sick, and God healed four people.

We plan to continue building relationships in the community as part of our model to prevent child exploitation. We also hope to hold more outreaches and watch Jesus transform the precious people there. Please pray that we can continue working along the Thai/Burma border to protect the vulnerable, fight for the exploited, and change the world one life at a time.