“So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but [only] God Who makes it grow and become greater”. 1 Corinthians 3: 7
When we returned to Thailand almost a year after our first visit, one of the biggest things I noticed was the growth that had taken place. So many good changes have occurred since the last time I was here. One of the first things I saw was how big, strong, and healthy the rescued babies and children had gotten. Many of them look so grown up and are starting to mature physically and spiritually. I have also seen growth in the size of Life Impact’s national team, completed building projects, the progress on new building projects, and the beautiful growth of the trees and vegetation on the land.
Most importantly, one of the greatest areas of growth has been what God is doing in the hearts and lives of everyone involved in Life Impact International. From the youngest child to the oldest staff member, and from the newest missionaries to the most seasoned missionaries on the team, God’s tremendous work is evident in their lives. It is incredible to see and hear the dreams, visions, stories, and testimonies of what God is doing here. God is constantly demonstrating that it doesn’t matter how skilled, trained, or talented the workers are who plant and water the seeds because it is He alone that is going to multiply the harvest.