Tag: brazil

First Soccer Tournament

Recently, our team in Rio hosted our first-ever Life Impact Brasil Soccer Tournament for kids in one of our prevention project communities! One of our team's goals is to not only impact at-risk children and teens, but to truly reach and bring about lasting change within their communities. With that, we held our first official [...]
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Why the Amazon?

“Children freely sell themselves for rice and beans, or for whatever they are able to. This is so different than anything I’ve ever seen in Thailand or Myanmar, where children are forced to sell their bodies. But in Brazil, I saw girls 9 to 12-years-old freely sell their bodies. It was right there, in front [...]
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Abandoned But Not Forsaken

This is the story of two little boys that we were able to rescue from a life of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. They are just one of many rescue stories. Our prevention efforts brought us in contact with these little boys and their mother when they were first living with their stepfather. The stepfather left [...]
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