Oakdale Team

One visit, seven team members, and 4,000 miles of travel. What does that add up to? One life-changing trip for a group from Oakdale Church in Olney, Maryland, who had numerous opportunities to share the love of Jesus with Brazilians. It was a dream that began in 2020 when Lana Vasquez, founder of Life Impact [...]
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A Jewell in Brazil

Through tears, training, and short-term mission work, Jewell has become a jewel Life Impact International needs in the Amazon. The native of Canada leads our team in that region of Brazil. Her love story with Brazil—specifically the Amazon area—began ten years ago. Jewell knew she wanted a “God adventure,” and the destination in her heart [...]
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Meet Thiew

13-year-old Thiew shouldn’t even be alive. He has survived against all odds. His mom took pills to abort him at 27 weeks. As labor began, she stumbled into a clinic and gave birth. The mom assumed her baby was dead and slipped out of the clinic. However, Thiew—weighing less than 2 pounds!—was a fighter. He [...]
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Farm to Table

In Thailand, Life Impact International has been blessed with beautiful acreage we call the Promise Land—land where our goal is to be 100% self-sustainable through agricultural farming. Many years ago, God gave a promise to our founder, Lana Vasquez, from Leviticus 26:4-5. In it, God promises to send rain in its season, trees that will [...]
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Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom is a powerful movie based on the true story of one man’s quest to rescue a brother and sister from sex trafficking—a journey that leads him into the heart of Columbia and exposes the darkness that is right now, this very minute, enslaving millions of women, men, and most of all—precious, vulnerable [...]
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