Tag: prevention

Prayer Requests

Life Impact International's commitment to rescuing children, building safe homes, and sharing the good news of Jesus remains unwavering. We won't stop because that is who we are. We give our "yes" to God daily, believing He will lead us to the next child. But, we need YOU! While your generous giving has brought us [...]
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You Have Made A Difference in 2022

In 2022 so many of you helped us Prevent, Rescue, and bring Healing to exploited and at-risk children in the most dangerous, vulnerable communities in Brazil, Myanmar, and Thailand! 8,463 people were reached with the Gospel 70-80 families were supported monthly to keep children safe 66,845 pounds of food provided for the warzone communities In [...]
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Fun Day in Ceara

During a recent school break, our LI Brazil team in Ceara planned several special activities for the children in our prevention projects.  They held a personal hygiene class in one of our locations where the children were taught how important it is for each person to have and use their own towel when showering, and [...]
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First Soccer Tournament

Recently, our team in Rio hosted our first-ever Life Impact Brasil Soccer Tournament for kids in one of our prevention project communities! One of our team's goals is to not only impact at-risk children and teens, but to truly reach and bring about lasting change within their communities. With that, we held our first official [...]
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